
Gel Electrophoresis Negative To Positive

What is SDS PAGE? [Click Here for Sample Questions]

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SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). This is a procedure that was developed past Ulrich K. Laemmli.

SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis
SDS-Page Electrophoresis

This technique is used to divide proteins with molecular masses.SDS stands for Sodium dodecyl sulfate is as well known as sodium lauryl sulfate. The Polyacrylamide gel influences structure and accuse, and hence allows migration to the molecules.

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The proteins are separated based on their molecular weight. When the acrylamide and bis-acrylamide react with each other, it forms polyacrylamide gel. Afterwards the reaction, we go a highly cross-linked gel matrix. The gel is responsible for the movement of poly peptide molecules in response to the electric field. Proteins contain either positive or negative charges. Due to this, the protein molecules move towards the isoelectric point. When the proteins are broken into minor parts, it gives them a uniform negative accuse so that they can be separated. This all can be done when the molecules migrate towards the positive electrode in an electric field.

Protein- SDS Interaction
Poly peptide- SDS Interaction

SDS can exist able to dissolve tissues and cells of proteins every bit information technology is a very powerful detergent. In the preparation, most of the samples are completely dissolved when heated to the temperature of 95°C in a loaded buffer system. If we want to dissolve the difficult samples, the loading buffer should comprise more than amounts of SDS and Dithiothreitol (DTT). Dithiothreitol has a high pH value which helps in the homogenization of more difficult samples. The main aim of the sample grooming is to separate the protein molecules properly through the help of a buffer organisation. When the incomplete denaturation of protein occurs so it results in the formation of blurred bands.

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Principle of SDS Page [Click Here for Sample Questions]

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The principle of SDS-Folio states that when a charged protein molecule is placed in an electrical field so the molecule moves towards the electrode considering of the reverse sign. In the process of electrophoresis, mobility influences the charge as well as structure of the protein. Hence, the molecules are separated based on their molecular weight.

Principle of SDS PAGE
Principle of SDS Page

For this process, we need some specific materials. The materials required in the process of SDS-Page are mentioned hither. Power suppliers, gel, electrophoresis chambers, protein samples, SDS-PAGE running buffer, stain and destain buffer, and protein ladder.

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Application and Limitations of SDS-Folio [Click Hither for Sample Questions]

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SDS Page has various applications used in the field of biotechnology. The process is used for many purposes.

  • This is used to separate the HIV proteins during the HIV exam.
  • The purity of the proteins is identified in this process.
  • SDS-Page is also used for peptide mapping.
Peptide Mapping
Peptide Mapping
  • This is used in measuring the molecular weight of the molecules.
  • The size of the poly peptide is estimated by the process.
  • The polypeptide composition is compared in this procedure.

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Limitations of SDS-PAGE [Click Here for Sample Questions]

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In that location are some limitations of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis are given below.

  • The procedure is difficult every bit it involves and then many steps.
  • The preparation of Polyacrylamide gel takes a long time.
  • It has toxic monomers.
  • Gels should exist prepared carefully as they can oft leak.
  • The gel cannot be used twice in each experiment.

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Gel Electrophoresis [Click Here for Sample Questions]

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Gel electrophoresis is a process of separating Deoxyribonucleic acid molecules. They are separated on the ground of their size and charge.This process works on the principle of deviation in the electric accuse of molecules.In this process,a gel medium is prepared.

Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis

The gel tin can be of two types i.e.agarose or polyacrylamide. A semi-solid gel medium is being fabricated equally the molecules are needed to pass through the medium at the same time and non motility abroad from their well cavalcade. That's why a semi-solid medium volition assistance the molecule to motility at the aforementioned fourth dimension and non disperse entirely. In the procedure of electrophoresis Agarose gel is used. Agarose gel has a greater range of separation just low resolving ability for Deoxyribonucleic acid molecules, whereas polyacrylamide gel for the separation of protein molecules because they have high resolving power.

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Gel Preparation

By using a buffer solution the gel is prepared and then that the molecules tin movement through the gel. Gel electrophoresis techniques require power connections and well combs. The Dna molecules are negatively charged, hence the side of the well comb has a positive terminal and the contrary side has a negative terminal. The negatively charged DNA molecules motility from the positive terminal to the negative terminal when the electric current is passed through the gel. The big fragments of Dna or poly peptide molecules drift and then fast only because they have a college negative charge. This principle is helpful in separating those molecules of DNA or poly peptide on the basis of molecular weight.

Gel Preparation
Gel Preparation

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Things to Think

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  • SDS-Page is an electrophoresis technique that is used to separate the charged protein molecules kept in an electric field. The protein molecules are separated based on their molecular weight.
  • SDS-PAGE stands for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Polyacrylamide Gel. Both of them together make the SDS-Page.
  • This process is widely used in genetics, forensics, biotechnology, and molecular biology.
  • To complete this process, some materials are required. They are polyacrylamide gel, ability suppliers, electrophoresis chambers, a sample of the protein, stain and destain buffer, poly peptide ladder, etc. With the assist of these things, the protein molecules can be separated.
  • SDS-Page has so many applications. This is used in peptide mapping, estimation of the size of the protein, measuring the molecular weight of the molecules, and in the identification of the purity of proteins.

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Sample Questions

Ques. What practise yous mean by SDS-Folio? (ii marks)

Ans. SDS stands for sodium dodecyl sulfate (also known as sodium lauryl sulfate) and PAGE stands for polyacrylamide gel. The whole purpose of this technique is to separate protein. Only based on molecular weight (i.due east. length of polypeptide chain). The basis of separation is not influenced by the charge or shape of the poly peptide. The two master processes are gel training and protein sample preparation

Ques. What do you mean by gel electrophoresis? (2 marks)

Ans. Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to split molecules like DNA, RNA, poly peptide, etc. Each molecule has its kind of gel. Agarose gel is used to separate larger molecules similar DNA, RNA based on size. Another is polyacrylamide gel used to dissever smaller molecules like proteins, based on molecular weight. The gel is applied with an electric electric current. Since nucleotides are negatively charged, they move from the negative to the positive side (anode) in the electric field.

Ques. What are the applications of SDS-Folio? (2 marks)

Ans. SDS-Page application is given below:

  • Estimate purity of the protein is the master application.
  • Knowing the molecular weight of the poly peptide.
  • Detecting protein subunit.
  • Helpful in peptide mapping.
  • To know the composition of the polypeptide.
  • Useful in western blotting.
  • Used in HIV tests.

Ques. What is protein-molecule? (2 marks)

Ans. Protein is an essential part of our diet. Protein molecules are made up of subunits chosen amino acids. A string of amino groups joined by peptide bonds to form poly peptide. The construction consists of a carboxylic group, an R group, and an amino group. There are a total of 21 amino acids, so protein is a heteropolymer.

Ques. What are the things required for the process of SDS-PAGE? (ii marks)

Ans.Requirements for SDS-Folio.


  • Separating gel PH-eight.viii
  • Stacking gel PH- 6.8 (both gels consists of acrylamide, bis acrylamide, ammonium persulphate, TEMED)

(2) PROTEIN SAMPLE Preparation

  • SDS(sodium dodecyl sulfate)
  • Beta-mercaptoethanol
  • Glycerol
  • Bromophenol blueish

(iii) comb to create well on gel

(iv) electrode

(v) Running buffer PH-8.3 (tris glycine chloride)

Ques. What are the types of electrophoresis? (two marks)

Ans. Electrophoresis is mainly of 2 types.

  • Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis- used for protein molecules separation based on molecular weight.
  •  Agarose gel electrophoresis- used for larger molecules like DNA RNA. Based on their size, the smaller the further it moves towards the anode side. Agarose gel is a natural polymer from seaweeds.

Ques. What does SDS-PAGE stand for? (ii marks)

Ans. SDS-PAGE stands for sodium dodecyl sulfate and polyacrylamide gel. It is used to separate poly peptide molecules based on molecular weight.

Ques. How are the protein molecules separated in the process of electrophoresis? (2 marks)

Ans. Protein molecules are separated based on molecular weight. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) denatures protein ( tertiary protein becomes simple primary protein ) and SDS also makes primary protein uniformly negatively charged. Then a gel called polyacrylamide is supplied with an electric current. Since protein is negatively charged, it gets attracted towards the positive side of the electrode (anode). The smaller the molecule (i.e less weight) of protein will be closer to the anode side.

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Gel Electrophoresis Negative To Positive,


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